Healthcare center

Kumari gezondheidscentrum

The Health Care Centre opened in 2003. It was designed by Friso ten Holt. Annually, the Centre is treating about 5000 people. The Centre is co-operating in a positive way with the authorities, including in the vaccination programs. The Health Care Centre includes a wound care area, a pharmacy, a laboratory, two hospital rooms, a delivery room, a doctors office, a dentists office and two meeting rooms used for teaching purposes.
The cost of a consult in the Centre is 5 rupees ( = 5 cent) plus the cost of the medications. Some of the medications are free. For very poor people everything is free.
The Centre is also functioning as the base for annually about 40 heath care camps and teaching sessions in remote mountain villages.
Comparative financial statements of medical services at the Kumari Health Centre in Nepal and in The Netherlands