About us

Management Plan


Corporate Management Plan 2018-2022


April 2018




1. Introduction


2. History


3. Vision, mission & strategy, ambitions and purposes


4. Management of operations and connections for co-operation


5. Securing the Tamsarya Foundation


6. Finances


1. Introduction

In the papers in front of you is contained the 2018-2022 management plan.

The Tamsarya Foundation management plan covers the Foundation’s history, mission, purposes, strategy, and ambitions, while it is also giving insight into its operating methods, financial responsibilities, and the raising and management of funds. The management plan was drawn up in accordance with the Dutch Bill on Charitable Institutions (ANBI).

2. History

In 1986, the founder of the Tamsarya Foundation, Trees van Rijswijk (1951), travelled by bike throughout India, Nepal, Tibet and China. During this 15,000 km bicycle trip, she met the two-year-old orphan girl Kumari. Trees was then living for a year at the foot of the Himalya’s, in rural Nepal, in a hut made of grass and clay. Meeting Kumari had far reaching consequences. Trees became Kumari’s mother and established in 1994 the “Kumari-School,” an orphanage annex school and farm. This was the second orphanage in all of Nepal and the first one in a rural area. At that time, Trees learned about Nepal’s dark side. A beautiful country with nice people, but even today, without access for the poor, to  services like education and health care. Because of this lack of basic services, a large part of the rural population is living in “minimal” conditions. They are also having no say at all into the improvement of their own situation. Even in these days, large landowners and higher castes are maintaining and managing a feudal system, including the exploitation of the poor.

Since its inception in 1987. now 31 years ago, the Foundation has accomplished things for the benefit of many thousands of excluded or oppressed people. It all started with the supplying of water to a centre for 300 homeless mothers and children, which had been founded by Tulasi Meher Mahila Ashram, a friend of Mahatma Gandhi. After 31 years of operation, this water supply is still operational!

The Tamsarya Foundation is using its raised funds for the support of projects to benefit population groups and individuals having no or very limited access to basic needs like education, health care, agriculture, water supply, sanitation and infrastructure. By now, the Foundation is running 45 schools, including two community colleges, a school for illiterate girls and women, an education program for midwifery, and a vocational school annex tailoring workshop. The orphanage, the Kumari School, has provided a home for 365 orphans, giving them an education, shelter and protection from being exploited.

In the midwifery education program, 400 poor girls from everywhere in Nepal, received midwifery training. 65% of them now have a job. About 350,000 people received medical attention. 26,000 fruit trees were planted, and dozens of villages are now having access to water and sanitation.

The health care projects became an ever larger part of the program. The annual number of patients treated in the Health Care Centre is 3,500. The Centre annually organises 40 health care camps as well.

Agriculture Projects: In 2018, the Tamsarya Foundation is the first NGO to start organic farming projects. In 2018/2019, poor farmers in remote mountain villages will be receiving beekeeper training.

The area covered by the Tamsarya Foundation’s activities, including the district Nawal Parasi, is about 5,000 km². It is located 220 km SW of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Of the about 650,000 inhabitants, 70% are living on hardly accessible mountain slopes, or in the remote areas of the Terai, which are hardly served by any facilities. The district counts 20 different population groups and still has a feudal caste system. The annual average income is about €350.

The following factors are inhibiting the development of the targeted population groups:

1. The geography of the country as it is caught between the  two superpowers  of India and China. Also, 85% of Nepal’s area is in the mountains, having a limited infrastructure.

2.  Lack of resources

3. The caste system

4. Oppression of women

5. Political instability

6. Lack of proper education in the rural areas, and

7. Limited access to health care.

The Government is lacking in good policies. Until 75 years ago, education was still prohibited in Nepal.

3. Vision, mission & strategy, ambitions and purposes.

3.1. Vision

The purpose of the Tamsarya Foundation is to improve, in the broadest sense of the word, the standing and the living circumstances of the Nepali people

3.2 Mission and strategy

The Tamsarya Foundation is providing financial support to population groups and individuals whose access to basic needs like education, health care, agriculture, sanitation, water supply, and infrastructure are lacking.

With its projects, the Foundation is attempting to strengthen or improve the position, especially of women, children and the homeless. On a short or longer term, the projects will as much as possible function independently of aid from the Netherlands. This is what the Tamsarya Foundation is attempting to do by adopting the following strategies:

*Developing and stimulating initiatives leading to the realisation of the above mentioned purposes;

*Attempting to build capacity by co-operation with the local government and other Nepali organisations;

*Making available all necessary technical, health care and educational knowledge and abilities;

*Letting the local Nepali inhabitants themselves  preferably independently, carry out the projects, so they will enlarge their own knowledge and abilities.

*The projects will be carried out by the inhabitants themselves, under the guidance of an expert from outside, who supervised projects before. Because of the inhabitants themselves being responsible for the workmanship, this strategy guarantees the quality of the project. It also saves money.

*With the above mentioned strategy, the projects will be replicable.

3.3 Ambitions

For the next 5 years, the most important purposes of the Tamsarya Foundation are the following:

1.Increasing the Inside-projects’ financial independence of the raised funds.

2.Increasing the involvement of, and co-operation with, the Nepali organisations and  government, and expertise, including co-operation with the Nepali Red Cross, the teacher training being offered for other schools, at the Kumari Schools, the agriculture training courses offered to the leaders of the Nepali Union of Female (!) Farmers.

3.Connecting projects so one will be supporting another, including co-operation with the hospitals and the schools;

4.Securing the future of the Tamsarya Foundation and thus its activities.

3.4 Explanation of the ambitions and purposes

re1) Increasing the Inside-projects’ financial independence of the raised funds.

Since its inception in 1987, the Tamsarya Foundation successfully realised many projects.

The Foundation distinguishes between:

A) outside-projects

B) inside-projects

On average, 50% of the raised funds is used for the inside-projects and 50% is used for the outside-projects.

A) Outside-projects

Included in this category are projects that are operational after completion, without more support from the donor-country. The following projects are included: the construction of schools somewhere else in the district, the construction of latrines, bridges, roads, water supplies, and the planting of fruit trees.

According to plan, these outside-projects will be closed in the next 5 years, so the focus will then primarily be on the inside-projects.

B) Inside-projects

Included in this category are projects that need support, both financial and/or professional, from the donor country, the Netherlands, for longer than 1 year. The following projects are included in this category: the orphanage annex school, “the Kumari-school,” the Kumari Health Care Centre, the midwifery training program, the vocational school, and the hospital for mothers and children. Also included are support for talented students after leaving the orphanage, so they can continue their education.

One of the students being supported like this is Surya Kamcha, who was as a six-years-old being exploited as a slave by a rich landowner, but these days is working in our projects as a physician. Rita, who was found lying along the road as a four-month-old baby, is now a nurse, also working in our projects.

Below follows an outline of the inside-projects, including the percentage of self-supporting ones in the period of 2018-2022, expressed in %


Kumari-school annex orphanage

Kumari Health Care Centre

Vocational School

Hospital for Mothers and Children

Bobok Health Care Centre

Below follows an outline of how self-supportive some of these Inside-projects are:

The Kumari-school annex orphanage

In the past years, the Kumari-school annex orphanage is becoming more and more self-supportive, by growing their own food (including vegetables, rice, and mushrooms). They also have a barn for cows, providing milk, yoghurt and biogas, and a fish hatchery. Since 2018, the residents are also producing some of the clothing for the younger children. Also, since 2018, the school is using renewable energy. School supplies like scribblers are produced in the school’s print shop, while the bakery is producing the bread. Special attention is given to fundraising in Nepal itself.

Kumari Health Care Centre.

The annual expenses of the Health Care Centre are 12,000. The centre sees more than 3,500 patients per year. The cost per patient is on average €3.–.

The vocational school

Part of this school opened in 2015. Programs and activities are listed below:

a) a print shop, functioning independently, and, by helping with the production of scribblers, helping the Kumari school become independent as well.

b) a tailoring shop, in which per year 60 poor women and girls are trained as seamstresses,  each receiving a diploma.

c) training and giving information on organic farming education. Technical training courses will be starting in 2020.

The Hospital for Mothers and Children

Part of the expenses will be covered by the hospital for mothers and children, which receives an income from the middle class, while the girls participating in the midwifery education program can do their practical training in “their own” hospital. 60% of the hospital for mothers and children is for the really poor, while 40% is sustained by the middle class.

The Bobok Health Care Centre.

Construction will start in the fall of 2019. It will open its doors in 2019-2020. 80% of it is meant to function independently. The salaries for the 2 staff members is guaranteed for 5 years.

re 4) Securing the future of the Tamsarya Foundation and thus its activities.

The first priority is the securing of the Tamsarya Foundation for the future. The Foundation will spend time between 2018 and 2022 exploring possibilities to secure its continued existence. We are thinking of a possible amalgamation or co-operation with another NGO, having similar purposes, or an increase in the projects being self-supportive, or making all projects entirely independent. We are also looking for a successor for the current CEO in The Netherlands.

4. Management of operations and connections for co-operation

4.1 Main tasks

At the Tamsarya Foundation we are attempting to reach the Foundations purpose in the following ways:

* fundraising for the projects in Nepal;

* education;

* production of printed information;

* going on speaking tours;

* organising events, trips and excursions;

* providing control, finances and expertise to the organisation in Nepal-as-donor-country;

* strengthening and encouraging activities to strengthen the base

4.2 Organisational structure

The Dutch branch of the Tamsarya Foundation is responsible for the main tasks as described in the previous paragraphs. This organisation has the following structure:

The Nepali organisation, Kumari Trust, is directing the projects and carrying out the work involved.

The Tamsarya Foundation in The Netherlands has the following structure:

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4.3 It is the Tamsarya Foundation’s executive committee’s responsibility to manage and supervise the adherence to policies

a) the budget and the planning for the year of the Nepali partner organisation, Kumai Trust, are drawn up in Nepal and need to be approved by the Dutch executive committee;

b) At the end of the fiscal year, the treasurer produces the annual statements;

c) The Nepali partner-organisation produces the following: a copy of all bank statements, a statement by a well qualified accountant, and a summary of all expenses per project in Nepal;

d) The treasurer will draw up the annual statement;

e) The treasurer submits the annual statements to the executive committee for their consideration. After explanation and discussion, the annual statements will be accepted and passed into record:

1. The annual statement is submitted to the accountant in The Netherlands, who will produce a report.

2. During the year, stages of projects, or entire projects, are submitted to the donor or granting agency after the project’s completion or before.

3) The accountant in Nepal gives account to the account and project manager, the manger gives account to the executive committee in Nepal and then to the Nepali Chartered Accountant.

4. After the accountant’s report in Nepal, the financial expenses of the year are submitted to the CEO of the Tamsarya Foundation. The Dutch CEO submits the expenses (made in Nepal as well as in The Netherlands) to the treasurer.

5) The CEO of the Tamsarya Foundation then transfers the funds for the projects, from The Netherlands to Nepal, and gives account to the executive committee.

4.4 Administrative organisation/operational tasks in The Netherlands

The Tamsarya Foundation’s finances are conducted, co-ordinated and controlled by the treasurer. The CEO has the responsibility of the correctness and complete deliverance. The following activities are part of the Tamsarya Foundation’s finances:

* all financial activities, including the tallying of income;

* maintaining and managing the bank accounts;

* maintaining contact with the banks;

* maintaining contact with financial institutions, including the Revenue Agency, Liability Insurance, ANBI, etc.;

* drawing up the annual statement;

* carrying out the financial administration;

* advising and redirecting donors having gifts or legacies;

* reporting/giving account of expenditures to donors and institutions;

* fundraising
* maintaining all financial information and submitting it to an accountant;

* the CEO submits all receipts and expenditures to the treasurer;

All work is done under reasonable conditions, including:

* providing a clear purpose;

* little overhead ( less than 8%);

* based on participation and self-sufficiency;

* durable;

* supervision.

4.5 Communication and evaluation The Netherlands and Nepal.

Dutch staff members are to communicate with the receiving country in an an optimal and respectful way. The Tamsarya Foundation is pursuing openness and transparency, stimulating the receiving the country’s initiatives, participation and advice.

Evaluation of vision and policies will take place at least once a year, testing and adjusting basic assumptions and purpose. The Dutch representatives of the Tamsarya Foundation are to exercise restraint regarding Nepali policies, vision, modes of operation, and respect Nepali norms and values, unless these are contrary to the basic assumptions and purpose. Evaluation with the Nepali executive committee will take place twice a year.

Giving account. Once every two months an exchange (will take place between} Nepal and The Netherlands: “state of affairs reporting” from Nepal to the CEO. The CEO will then inform the Dutch executive committee and the associated donors.

The Tamsarya Foundation CEO will report any changes in the management plan to the executive committee in The Netherlands and ask for their advice. The CEO will have to report the resulting changes back to Nepal.

4.6 Co-operative connections in The Netherlands and in Nepal

The Foundation is maintaining connections with organisations and experts who are clearly able to contribute to its purpose and realisation thereof. The Nepali Foundation is encouraging co-operation with citizens and Governments, both at the District level and country-wide, while avoiding damage to policy, vision and purpose.

5. Finances

5.1 Spending funds

Once a year, the Nepali executive committee will submit a project plan. This plan must be in compliance with the basic assumptions and purposes. The project plan will then be submitted to the Dutch executive committee and judged on its attainability. If they so wish and if it is possible, the donors are then enabled to choose their own project. The website offers a donation guide for small projects and donations.

5.2 Managing the capital

The executive committee is the Foundation’s representative. The number of executive committee members will be no more than five and is to be determined by the executive committee.

1. The capital retained by the Foundation may not exceed what is reasonably required to attain the Foundation’s purpose;

2. The disposable capital may not exceed what is reasonably required for the continuation of anticipated work;

3. The executive members are appointed in-function. Currently, the executive has three members: chair, secretary and treasurer;

4. The executive is charged with the government of the Foundation.

5. Once a decision is taken by all executive members of the committee by consensus, it is the executive’s mandate to enter into agreements for the purchase, disposal or encumbrance of registered property;

6. Once a decision is taken by consensus by all executive members of the committee, it is the executive’s mandate to decide to enter into agreements with the Foundation standing as surety and co-guarantor, warranting performance by a third party, or guaranteeing someone else’s loan.

7. The executive’s decisions are only valid when a majority of its members are actually present at the meeting, or are present by proxy, and the Foundation’s CEO is attending as well.

5.3 Budget for the years 2018-2022


For the purpose available

In-house fundraising income

Donations and gifts

In-house fundraising expenses

Cost of indirect acquisitions

Net income

Remaining income

Total available for purpose

Expenses purpose

Shree Kumari Educational Trust

Direct project expenses in The Netherlands

Expenses Nepal and The Netherlands

Costs realisation

Expenses total

Total available

Capital expenses

Balance for futur

Tamsarya Foundation the Netherlands Kumari Trust Nepal
Experts and system advisers



Computer expert

Web Master

“Wild Geese”

Business people

Organisations for

Development Co-operation Training


Executive Committee

Executive Officers





Fund Raising

Dispersal of information through lectures and publications


Committee (executive)


Project Manager


Executive project co-ordinator

Project co-ordinators (one per project)



Using projects to support Nepali individuals and communities living far below the poverty line or being excluded from any form of aid.

Health Care Experts and Advisers


Other foundations

Medical advisers

Specialised Psychologists


Construction Experts and Advisers for assistance in designing and building schools and other buildings

TU Delft, Students, engineers, businesses





Fundraising drives at schools, churches, foundations and other places.

Projects in Nepal

The Nepalese Committee, as well as the executive project co-ordinator, the local Chiefs, the project co-ordinator and possible partner-groups, are responsible for the project selection,  overseeing the work, checking its quality, and registering the project with the authorities, in consultation with the CEO of the Tamsarya Foundation in The Netherlands…

  Associated with the construction

Nepali Executive Cy Kumari-trust.


Village Chief

Village Committee

Construction Committee

Architects, Engineers,

Nepali and /or Dutch students or advisers,

Quality monitoring

Village Committees

Ministries, experts

Nepali Government advisers

Dutch Advisers

Associated Government Departments

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training, CTEVT.

Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare.

District Development Committee, DDC

Village Development Committee, VDC

Educational Inspectors
